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var points_interet = { "remove" : {"titre" : "Hiding current theme"}, "church" : {"titre" : "Religious buildings"}, "fountain" : {"titre" : "Small scale heritage of water"}, "cross" : {"titre" : "Small religious heritage"}, "history" : {"titre" : "Historical sites"}, "building" : {"titre" : "Remarkable buildings"}, "tree" : {"titre" : "Remarkable trees and hedges"}, "mardelle" : {"titre" : "Crons and mardelles : natural local heritage"}, "source" : {"titre" : "Springs"}, "pond" : {"titre" : "Ponds"}, "funeral" : {"titre" : "Gravestone and memorials"}, "celebrity" : {"titre" : "Houses of local celebrities"}, "popular" : {"titre" : "Unusual small popular heritage"}, "industry" : {"titre" : "Former industries, shops and administations"}, "train" : {"titre" : "Railway"}, "tram" : {"titre" : "Tramway Etalle-Villers-devant-Orval"}, "oldbar" : {"titre" : "Former cafes, restaurants and groceries"} }; //Définition des variables globales var coord_GoTo=[]; var marker_GoTo=L.marker([49.6743,5.60173]); // par défaut : marqueur sur Etalle var macarte; var adresse_GoTo; var rayon_GoTo=250; //par défaut 250 mètres var cercle; var endroits = []; var command; var explication; var categorie_choisie; var identificateur_choisi; var markersArray = []; // recevra systématiquement tous les marqueurs sauf ceux des overlays var positionPopup = 'next to marker'; var controller; var panneau; // Dossier des bases de données d'icones et de pictogrammes var iconBase = 'Icones/'; var picto='Pictogrammes/'; // Définition des fonds de carte var routes = L.tileLayer(mapboxURL, { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox/streets-v11', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: accessToken }); var OpenStreetMap = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: 'données © OpenStreetMap/ODbL - rendu OSM Belgium', minZoom: 12, maxZoom: 20 }) var satellite = L.tileLayer(mapboxURL, { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox/satellite-streets-v11', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: accessToken }); var aventure = L.tileLayer(mapboxURL, { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox/outdoors-v11', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: accessToken }); var relief = L.tileLayer(mapboxURL_old, { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: 'mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2', tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: accessToken }); var VDML=L.tileLayer.wms("http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/services/CARTES_ANCIENNES/VDML/MapServer/WMSServer?",{layers: '0'}); var Ferraris=L.tileLayer.wms("http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/services/CARTES_ANCIENNES/FERRARIS/MapServer/WMSServer?",{layers: '0'}); var Atlas=L.tileLayer.wms("http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/services/PLAN_REGLEMENT/ATLAS_VV_MODIF/MapServer/WMSServer?",{layers: '0,1,2,3'}); var Ortho=L.tileLayer.wms("http://geoservices.wallonie.be/arcgis/services/IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2018/MapServer/WMSServer?",{layers: '0'}); function clearMarkers() { // fonction qui enlève les marqueurs en cours for (var i = 0; i < markersArray.length; i++ ) { //markersArray[i].setMap(null); macarte.removeLayer(markersArray[i]); } markersArray.length = 0; } // la fonction php fichier_vers_tableau se trouve dans la librairie php // Fonction de lecture de fichier et de captage du texte correspondant à l'identificateur function texte_id(tableau,id) { var texte_complet=''; var position=0; for (var i=0;i"; position++; } return(texte_complet); } //Création des textes "popup" des marqueurs à partir du fichier "Villages.txt" var popup_txt= []; var lignes = [ "#Etalle#", "Etalle is the central village of the municipality and the place of its administrative office. It accounts for about one third of the 6000 inhabitants of the municipality.", "Its name comes from Stabulum, ancien relay on the Roman way Reims-Trèves.", "Crossed by the Semois river, the village stretches on both sides of the highway 83, which links Arlon and Bouillon. It is also at the crossroads of that road with the highway 87 which links Virton and Habay-la-Neuve. The heavy traffic passing on these two arteries necessitated the creation of bypass roads accessible via two roundabouts to the east and west of the village.", "Etalle has some businesses, banks, restaurants and various companies, as Nestlé-Waters-Benelux, the bottling plant of Valvert water.", "At the south of the village, a vast forest crisscrossed with paths is ideal for walkers and joggers. In addition to water, wood is also an essential resource for the municipality of Etalle.", "#fin de texte#", "#Villers-sur-Semois#", "Villers-sur-Semois, as its name suggests, is a small village located along the Semois. \"Villers \" comes from the word \"villa \" which designated a Roman farm in the first centuries of our era. A few houses were built around this villa, then a church, on a hill and to the north of the village. This church is best known for the Ara Romana, a Roman stone carved with 4 gods: Apollo, Minerva, Hercules and Diana. It could have been brought around the second century to make a pagan altar, on which, later, the Christian altar table was placed.", "At the end of the XVIIth century, the Lord of the place, Henri Henriquez, had a castle built, now in rather poor condition.", "Villers is a typical village of Gaume with little farms set side by side and wide \"usoirs\" (kind of sidewalks).", "The nickname given to the inhabitants of Villers-sur-Semois (and Mortinsart) is \"Hoguèts \" or \"Hoguaîs \", because they would have a way of pronouncing the sounds é, è in French very briefly. They would speak hoarse!", "#fin de texte#", "#Sainte-Marie-sur-Semois#", "After Etalle, Sainte-Marie is the most important village of the municipality. To distinguish it from other villages with the same name, the ephethete \"à Nochet\" was sometimes added, i.e. \"to hazelnuts\".", "The village's heritage includes some beautiful cast iron pumps, classified in the early 80s, and a well-preserved castle to the north of the village.", "A few businesses are active in Sainte-Marie, as well as a football club and the cycling club \"les cyclos de Gaume \".", "Formerly, the nickname of the inhabitants was \"Savarats \" (boars). The locals assured that this word was of Russian origin and dates from the passage of the Cossacks in the year 1814. The existence of a homonymous Walloon word could justify this hypothesis.", "#fin de texte#", "#Mortinsart#", "Mortinsart is a small village, the northernmost one of the municipality, close to Villers-sur-Semois by distance and by privileged links which associate them in social and cultural activities.", "It is currently populated with a few new houses.", "Its name comes from a \"Martin \" who cleared the brush (\"essarter\" in French) from the land to build his home.", "The writer Jean Mergeai was born there and spent his youth in the village.", "#fin de texte#", "#Fratin#", "Fratin expanded in a slightly sloping plain between Buzenol and Sainte-Marie. The village is built around a square from which radiate several paths. Its name could come from the Latin \"fratis \", which means \"brothers\", in reference to the presence of a farm managed by the monks of Orval.", "Fratin is one of the most beautiful villages in the town, with its \"usoirs\" (kind of sidewalks), its old well-preserved farms and its very beautiful grassy square with a remarkable oak tree in front of the church.", "Francis André, a peasant poet, lived there at the beginning of the 20th century.", "Between Fratin and Sainte-Marie, the Magenot industrial zone occupies a number of small businesses.", "#fin de texte#", "#Huombois#", "Huombois is a hamlet to the south of the municipality. Initially, the place name \"Huombois \" referred to the neighboring wood (a wood owned by a certain Huon), then, by extension, it gave its name to the small village that was built there. The wood was cleared in 1856, then part of it was bought by families from Bioul, in the province of Namur. They built there the hamlet we know today. The Huombois industrial zone, to the south of the municipality of Etalle, receives a dozen small wood-processing companies. The hamlet also has the old potter's museum.", "Within rifle range, near the Red Cross station, Jacques Van Rooten, painter and deputy director of the Sainte-Elisabeth Hospital in Antwerp, established his second residence around the middle of the 20th century, like the surgeon Jean Verbrugge, professor at the University of Ghent.", "#fin de texte#", "#Croix-Rouge#", "Croix-Rouge takes its name from a red cross near the place called the \"hole of the fairies\", a natural sandstone cave, which, according to legend, would have been the habitat of the fairies. Opposite, the restaurant \"la Sapinière\" was the center of activity for the whole region, thanks in particular to its memorable weekend dance evenings. It is currently a restaurant.", "In Croix-Rouge, a former station, currently occupied by the administrative building of a sawmill, is a reminder of the passage of the Marbehan-Virton railway line which was in operation until 1951 for travelers, then until 2009 for the transport of timber. Part of the track base has been transformed into RAVeL.", "#fin de texte#", "#Chantemelle#", "Partly surrounded by forest, Chantemelle is located in the large alluvial and marshy plain of the Semois river. Like many Lorraine villages, the oldest part of Chantemelle has a tight habitat and large \"usoirs\". ", "Originally, it seems that the village was called \"Chantemerle\" (singing blackbird...).", "Among interesting heritage elements, we can mention some remarkable trees, beautiful watering troughs with pumps, pretty Gaumaise farms and a very beautiful lime tree alley which leads to the Notre-Dame de Lourdes chapel. ", "It is also the birthplace of the painter Poncin Biloque.", "The locals' nickname is \"Sarrazins\" (Saracens), which would denote the unsociable mood of the inhabitants(?). The comparison with a population of black race always marks, in the province, the unsociable and surly mood characterising the inhabitants of a locality. The cultivation, formerly practiced, of buckwheat or buckwheat, has nothing to do in this case. However, it is claimed in the region that the inhabitants of Chantemelle have darker skin than that of their neighbors.", "#fin de texte#", "#Vance#", "Vance is a large village to the east of the municipality, with a somewhat quaint structure, with an interlacing of streets, cul-de-sac and islands of houses arranged in all directions. On a small hillock, not far from the Semois, stands the Saint-Willibrord church, probably before 900, with a square tower that characterizes it.", "The village is separated into two parts by the Florenville-Arlon road. To the north of the village passes the old Roman road Reims-Trèves, while the extreme south touches the military camp of Lagland and the municipality of Saint-Léger.", "Vance was very early a city of some importance, where resided the seigneurial family of \"Vans\", one of the most notable of the county of Chiny, who had even built a fortified castle there.", "A few very well-preserved farmhouses can be seen in the village.", "The Vance marshes constitute a nature reserve of great diversity.", "The nickname given to the inhabitants of Vance is \"Troufîs\" (peat diggers). The swamps which surround the locality were, in the 19th century, the object of intense exploitation. Peat was sought after as fuel and as bedding for livestock.", "We also say the \"Faubourins\" (inhabitants of the \"Faubourg\"), a name worn by a street in the village. For the sake of disparagement, it is being applied to the entire locality.", "Speaking of Vance: the natives of the place are accused of speaking in a blank voice, opening up the diphthongs \"an\", \"en\" and \"on\" excessively and pronouncing them uniformly as \"au\". For example instead of \"Ces djens sont d'Vance\", they would say \"Ces djaus saut d'Vauce\". Hence the verb \"vaucîr\", which means: to speak as to Vance and the kind and ironic \"Vaucetî\".", "#fin de texte#", "#Villers-Tortru#", "Villers-Tortru is a hamlet of a few houses, made up, before the 13th century, of two entities, Viller and Torterut, which were grouped later. Viller comes from the Latin vilare which means rural domain and Torterut could come from the Latin tortus, which means tortuous and from the Roman ru, or stream. In fact, the stream called Tortru, which flows into the Semois at Villers-Tortru, is really tortuous. A more plausible hypothesis to explain the origin of Torterut is a derivative of tourterelle (turtledove in English and in Roman: \"tortre\"), a bird which likes a small neighboring wood. The turtledove would be to Tortru what the blackbird is to Chantemelle.", "The hamlet is located in the far east of the municipality, on the banks of the Semois, and is crossed to the north by the Roman road Reims-Trèves.", "#fin de texte#", "#Buzenol#", "Buzenol, centered on the road to Montauban, is installed on an increasingly pronounced slope from North to South. It is characterized by farms with facades built or restored around 1900.", "The village is best known for its site of Montauban, a historic and legendary site, built on a rocky and forested promontory, used from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages, including the Gallo-Roman era. This is where the famous carved stone representing the harvester of the Trévires was discovered. It is also in Montauban that the Gaumais have transposed the legend of the four sons Aymon and their horse Bayard.", "Further down, Montauban also has old forges built at the beginning of the 16th century and active until the middle of the 19th century.", "Among the remarkable heritage elements in Buzenol, we can cite the Saint-Quirin church, a mononef building built in 1846, the wash house, made up of two juxtaposed tunnels and opening outwards by two contiguous arches or the cemetery with the gate decorated with the snake biting its tail.", "The nickname of the inhabitants is \"Tamakusses\". When locals want to apologize for leaving a company, they would say, \"L’tâps m’acuse\" (time accuses me). It is assured that the people of Buzenol always shirk, under this pretext, the obligation to return politeness to those who treat them at the cabaret. The term \"Tamakusse\" therefore has the meaning of: looking, stingy, interested.", "#fin de texte#", "#Sivry#", "Sivry is almost part of Etalle. It is the union of the Prêle stream and the Semois river.", "It has a beautiful wash house and some beautiful restored farms.", "Among the old buildings of Sivry, one can quote the small school and a castle, both transformed or abandoned.", "The road that runs along the Prêle stream before its confluence with the Semois is particularly pleasant.", "#fin de texte#", "#Landin#", "Landin is currently only the name of the locality designating the railway station area. However, in the Middle Ages, Landin, west of Sainte-Marie, was a village in its own right before the black plague which decimated it in 1636. Like Fratin, Landin was an \"écart\" (remote place) from the parish of Sainte-Marie-sur-Semois and, at the administrative level, depended on the provost of Etalle. In 1602, the peasants of Landin still used the Poncelle mill (currently, in the property of the Stiernon sawmill).", "The name \"Landin\" is derived from the Germanic landa which means land, field, like the Dutch term land. The hamlet bordered the mire of the Gilbaupont and Plane streams", "The \"black plague\" is the name given to the great epidemic of bubonic plague, which plagued our regions in the 17th century, itself accompanied by other diseases, such as typhus, and devastating wars. All the villages were affected, but as the hamlet of Landin was not very populated (only 4 houses in 1602), no inhabitant survived and the village was completely decimated. ", "The area took off again at the beginning of the 20th century, with the railway station and the tram, the Stiernon sawmill on the Poncelle road and the Dussard sawmill, on the other side of the main road (establishment taken over in 1983 by the family Stiernon).", "It is also the place where the famous \"Moreau cafe\" was installed. This is the current \"Karaquillos\".", "#fin de texte#" ]; for (ville in localites) { popup_txt[ville]=texte_id(lignes,'#'+ville+'#'); //extraction du texte pour chacun des villages } //Création des textes "popup" des marqueurs à partir du fichier "Themes.txt" var popup_themes= []; var lignes_themes = [ "#industry#", "The municipality of Etalle retains some traces of several industries and other economic activities, which have now disappeared.", "For example, in the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century, agriculture in the Etalle region was highly developed. Part of this production was transformed into flour in water mills, which were installed near rivers, often secondary, sometimes by diverting them through a channel that was used to turn the paddle wheel. Almost every village had its own mill. Several of these mills were \"banals\" (or \"village mills\"), that is to say, they belonged to the lord of the place, but they were made available to the inhabitants, for a fee. Grinding grain at the ordinary mill was even an obligation for the peasants. The development of village mills would be linked to the decline of serfdom, a form of slavery where the peasant lived in total dependence on the lord to work on his estate. From the end of the Middle Ages (15th century), the operation of banal mills became an excellent report for the lords and when, like in Sainte-Marie, the mill was no longer in working order, the bourgeois and the peasants did not want its reconstruction, so they escaped these banalities and could grind their grain wherever they wanted.", "#fin de texte#", "#oldbar#", "At the start of the 20th century, many of the houses in the villages were drinking establishments. People would come there to drink a \"little drop\" or a beer, a glass of wine. People came there mostly to talk, glean information and meet with friends. So it was in the villages of the commune of Etalle. Thus, in Vance alone, before the 1914-1918 war, there were about fifteen bistros. However, of these, only a few paid the \"grand patent\", allowing them to sell not only beer, but also alcohol and tobacco. Those who paid only the \"small license\" were only allowed to serve low-alcohol drinks (18° maximum). They, unable to display a sign on their facade, placed a tree branch (or \"buchan\" in Gaumais, in France \"le bouchon\", i.e. \"the cork\") above their door to indicate that they could serve beer. This was the case, for example, with 9 tenants out of the 15 in Vance (see http://villagedevance.canalblog.com/).", "This regulation will last until the promulgation of the law prohibiting the sale of alcohol at retail (known as the Vandervelde law in 1919).", "These little taverns had as \"room\" and \"counter\" only the kitchen and a table in the house.", "The \"official\" cafes, paying a large license, were larger, and sometimes they played bowling, billiards or cards. Most of the time, one of these establishments was located near the church and was visited on Sundays after (or during) mass.", "Likewise, around 1920, there was an incredible amount of grocery stores and village shops: almost 300,000 in Belgium. Most were exploited by traders on an ancillary basis on the fringes of a main occupation. Like the café, the shop was also the crossroads where the local news met and commented.", "In this inventory, the intention is not to name all the cafes, restaurants and grocery stores that have existed on the territory of the municipality. It would be tedious and of little use. However, some of them have been noted to recall this atmosphere of the time, probably more convivial than that of today. Those that are included are mainly those whose sign is visible on old postcards or even now, in a relief cartouche on the facade.", "#fin de texte#", "#tree#", "Trees or hedges can be considered remarkable for several reasons:", "- because of their aesthetic or landscape value, such as isolated trees with high stems of at least thirty years old, in open spaces, and corner or boundary trees, or old hedges planted on public property;", "- if they have been the subject of a study or a written document, and mentioned in a notice published in the Moniteur Belge;", "- if they are classified or if they are the subject of a classification procedure;", "- if they are included on a list established by the municipality.", "This part was carried out on the basis of the inventory of remarkable trees and hedges available on the Wallonia geoportal where the interest is listed according to the following nomenclature:", "- H = history,", "- P = landscaped,", "- D = dendrological,", "- B = biological curiosity,", "- T = exceptional size,", "- F = folk, religious, etc.", "- R = mark (limit, limit, etc.)", "#fin de texte#", "#building#", "This part is largely inspired by the work \"Patrimoine monumental de la Belgique\" (i.e. \"Monumental heritage of Belgium\") (volume 21: arrondissement of Virton) by Mardaga (editor) as well as from the site http://spw.wallonie.be/dgo4/site_ipic/index.php which lists the inventory of real estate in Wallonia, based on the Mardaga work.", "To better understand the text which details the architectural elements, taken from the description of specialists in the field, let us recall here (file pdf) , for the less initiated, the architectural vocabulary applied to the design of a house.", "", "#fin de texte#", "#train#", "The L155 railway line which linked Marbehan to Ecouviez (in France), via Virton, was commissioned in 1873 and abandoned in 1951. The line was then used between Marbehan and Croix-Rouge for transport of timber from the Dusausoit sawmill on the rail network via Marbehan, until 2007. On the Croix-Rouge-Ethe section, the line was transformed into RAVeL (the RAveL L155). In 1997, the line was split at the level of the locality \"Saint-Lambert\", in the Sainte-Marie wood, with a second line of 4.5 km (numbered 289) going towards the Zoning of Gantaufet. It was used to transport products by rail from the Valvert mineral water bottling plant via Marbehan. The aim was mainly ecological. In 2009, the economic crisis doomed the line because exports of bottled water had declined and it became impossible to fill enough wagons. However, the SNCF only authorized on its network freight trains made up of at least ten wagons.", "Several stations and gatekeepers' houses existed on line 155 in the territory of the commune of Etalle, most of which are still present today. The history of this line has been described in detail by Michel Demoulin and Gérard Martin in several issues of Gletton. The comments in this document are particularly inspired by it and some photos are taken from it.", "On the line, in the municipality of Etale, there were 4 stops: Villers-sur-Semois, Sainte-Marie-sur-Semois, Croix-Rouge and Buzenol, with 2 station buildings, at Croix-Rouge and Buzenol , built according to the same plan dating from 1893, and two more modest \"stopping point\" buildings in Villers-sur-Semois and Sainte-Marie-sur-Semois. In addition, whenever the line crossed a road, there was a level crossing and often a barrier, with a gatekeeper operating it as the train passed. This gatekeeper (often a woman) and her family had a small house. But there were also small houses reserved for railway workers exercising the profession of waykeeper, road guard or \"piqueur\".", "#fin de texte#", "#mardelle#", "The \"crons\" designate in Gaume the petrifying limestone sources and the limestone tuff massifs thus formed. These are rocky masses formed by the deposition of pure limestone from spring water containing calcium bicarbonate in solution. These very fragile deposits can form very imposing groups, constituting real geological phenomena called \"tuff\" or \"travertine\".", "Like crons, mardelles are a geological feature that can be observed in Gaume. These are more or less deep basins, often isolated in the middle of fields, meadows or woods of marshy areas that are found on the marly soils of Lorraine. In the municipality of Etalle, it is especially in the north that they can be observed. Formed naturally by the dissolution of the carbonate contained in the marls, they gradually filled with rainwater. The mardelles are fed only by rainwater and runoff from a watershed. In addition to their landscape interest, these humid biotopes serve as a refuge for remarkably rich flora (gentian, water clover, etc.) and fauna (odonata, amphibians, etc.).", "#fin de texte#", "#church#", "This section is largely inspired by the work \"Patrimoine monumental de la Belgique\" (i.e.\"Monumental heritage of Belgium\") -Tome 21-Arrondissement de Virton\" by Mardaga (publisher), itself notably inspired by the work of the Syndicat d'Initiative d'Etalle \"Croix, calvaires, églises et chapelles et autres monuments dans la commune d'Etalle\", by A.Lamand and C. Thiébeaux (1990).", "Several illustrations are taken from the site of BALaT (Belgian Arts Links and Tools), the search engine for the databases of the IRPA (Royal Institute of Artistic Heritage). Some interesting information can also be found in the studies of José Gennart, available in the Saint-Aubain archives, in Namur. http://archives.saintaubain.be/gennart/sommaire.htm", "#fin de texte#", "#pond#", "Several ponds are still visible today in the territory of Etalle. In the past, fishponds or ponds were very common in our regions, especially for fish farming and water reserves, when there was no opportunity to work with a water wheel as a driving force. Several of them are still used for fish farming today.", "#fin de texte#", "#tram#", "In 1885, King Leopold II promulgated a law creating the \"Société nationale des Chemins de fer vicinaux\" (or \"National Society of Local Railways\"). \"Vicinal\", borrowed from the Latin vicinalis, a path which is used by people from the vicus, that is to say from the village, this term was attributed to the new railways because they were authorized to establish themselves on the road shoulder. It was therefore a network that was going to be able to take root without encountering the gigantic field difficulties experienced by its predecessor, the train network. Under these conditions, we understand the speed with which these secondary railways were able to develop. In less than thirty years, a dense network was deployed in our regions and, until the onset of the great war, hardly a year would go by without a new line being added to the existing ones.", "In particular, a line of 31 km was built between Etalle and Villers-devant-Orval, it had the number 141 (and later, 523 in the railway indicator and 622 for the administrative number). It was inaugurated in 1908, on February 1 for the 13.5 km Etalle-Bellefontaine section and on December 9 for the remaining 17.5 km.", "", "In general, the local lines were always closely linked to those of the great railroad. And this is also the case for this one, since it passed through the station of Sainte-Marie-sur-Semois to establish the connection with the line L155 towards Marbehan or Virton. The vicinal also crossed line 165 \"Athus-Meuse\" at Saint-Vincent-Bellefontaine station. The \"tram\" was used to transport passengers, but also that of goods (for example, flour from Gérouville for Etalle, logs, etc.), but also that of mail. The tram \"picked up\" the mail at the various stops to transfer it by train to Marbehan, via the Sainte-Marie station. The train consisted of a small steam engine and two to five wagons. The passenger cars were heated by a coal stove.", "#fin de texte#", "#celebrity#", "Several people who have become famous have stayed in the municipality of Etalle or have a close connection with it. The comments in this chapter are notably taken from the book \"Coins de Gaume, mon beau pays\", by Roger Marchal.", "#fin de texte#", "#fountain#", "Long before the era of washing machines, the washhouse was the only water point available in the village for washing clothes, all by hand! Besides its function, the wash house was also a meeting place where one kept abreast of the latest news from the village and the surrounding area. It is sometimes called \"the place of bad tongues\" or \"the wasps'nest\". Gaume is full of washhouses, fountains and drinking troughs, some of which have been perfectly preserved and are part of the built heritage. For others, all that remains are ruins, usually the bins, still more or less intact, but in any case, these places are full of history and memories. In addition to the descriptions available on the site of the Etalle tourist office, this chapter is largely inspired by the article by Georges Matagne \"Fontaines de la province de Luxembourg\", published in the Annales de l'Institut Archéologique du Luxembourg, tome CV, year 1974, and, to a lesser extent, the work \"Patrimoine monumental de la Belgique-Tome 21-Arrondissement de Virton\" by Mardaga (publisher).", "#fin de texte#", "#popular#", "As the Walloon Heritage Agency defines it: \"The small popular heritage includes a host of more modest elements which nevertheless constitute traces of our local histories. These are affective landmarks, points of interest or of orientation which are are located at the edge of our streets, mark our neighborhoods or adorn our facades. \"", "#fin de texte#", "#cross#", "This section is mainly inspired by the work \"Croix, calvaires, églises, chapelles dans la commune d'Etalle\" by Albert Lamand and Cécile Thiébeaux - Syndicat d'Initiative d'Etalle - 1990 - 35p. In addition to the religious buildings, this work describes in an exhaustive way the crosses, the Calvaries (crosses on which is represented Jesus crucified, around which are biblical characters) and the potales (niches containing a statuette of the Virgin Mary or of a saint protector) visible in the municipality.", "#fin de texte#", "#source#", "The Gros Ruisseau, the Rouge Eau and the Neuve Forge stream form the natural borders between the municipalities of Etalle, Virton and Saint-Léger. It is in the woods north of this border that the 13 catchments of the commune of Etalle and Valvert water are located. The \"Nestlé Sources International\" and \"Perrier\" groups have designed the name \"Valvert\" for the mineral water collected at 4 dowsing sites: Les Hosseumonts, Gros Ruisseau, Fond de la Volette and Haie de Han. These sites are not accessible to the public and the bottling site was deliberately built far from the slope, nearly 4 km from the catchments, in order to preserve these in their natural setting. The water from these catchments is weakly mineralized, its precious composition is due to the nature of the soil: Jurassic rock composed of marl and sandstone. It is quite low in sodium and is free from pollutants, because the water supplied by the rains is purified by a 3,000 ha hardwood and its cycle of filtration through the different layers of the soil lasts 18 years. It therefore has excellent quality both for bottled marketing and for distribution in the municipality. The names of places where these catchments are located are also typical of springs and streams. The name Hosseumonts (or Ausseumonts or Osseumonts), could mean \"eau-sous-monts\" (or \"water under hills\"), which would be the reflection of the emergence of groundwater in the valley under the reliefs, the locality \"Fond de la Volette\" would probably be an alteration of valète for \"valley\" and \"Haie de Han\" uses the toponym \"han\" which could come from \"ham\" for \"river bend\".", "#fin de texte#", "#funeral#", "In the municipality, several funerary stones evoke former lords of the place and various war memorials remind passers-by of the memory of the victims of the two wars.", "#fin de texte#", "#history#", "The common heritage of Etalle is very rich in historical sites, witnesses of the occupation of the region since prehistoric times. But it is above all the remains of the Roman era that make the municipality particularly interesting. Regarding the medieval period, a few castles have disappeared, but the beautiful Château de la Margelle remains an essential witness.", "#fin de texte#" ]; for (point in points_interet) { if (point != 'remove') { popup_themes[point]=texte_id(lignes_themes,'#'+point+'#'); //extraction du texte pour chacune des catégories } } // Préparation des marqueurs // Définition de l'icone (si nécessaire !!!) var myIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: iconBase + 'goutte.png', iconSize: [25, 25], iconAnchor: [0, 0], popupAnchor: [0, 0], }); // Options de style pour les layers qui suivent var optionMarqueur = {maxWidth : 600, maxHeight : 300}; // Pour les popups à côté des marqueurs var optionLateral = {maxWidth : 450, maxHeight : 410, pane : 'fixe', autoPan : false, className : 'popupcustom'}; // Pour les popups latéraux var customOptions = optionMarqueur; // Par défaut function TogglePopup () { // switche entre popup latéral et popup au marqueur if (positionPopup == 'next to marker') { positionPopup = 'side position'; customOptions = optionLateral; } else { positionPopup = 'next to marker'; customOptions = optionMarqueur; } macarte.remove(); initMap (); } fenetre = L.control({position : 'topleft'}); // controle pour décider de la position du popup fenetre.onAdd = function (map) { var div = L.DomUtil.create('div','fenetre-popup'); div.innerHTML += '' + '
Clic to put the marker explanation either next to the marker or on the left side of the screen.' + '
' + 'Requires the reinitialization of the map.
'; return div; }; // Contrôles personnalisés pour "aller vers des points d'intérêt" //Gestion du panneau de contrôle des points d'intérêt command = L.control({position : 'bottomright'}); command.onAdd = function (map) { var div = L.DomUtil.create('div','command'); var serie_de_categories = ''; for (categorie in points_interet) { serie_de_categories += ''; }; div.innerHTML += ''; L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(div); // empêcher les actions de la souris sur la carte quand on est sur le div de choix (zoom avec la molette, ...) L.DomEvent.disableScrollPropagation(div); return div; }; function PrendreCategorie() { document.choix.interet[0].checked=false; // ré-initialise le bouton thème document.getElementById("points").style.display = 'none'; //masquer le formulaire de demande de catégorie // Saisir le champ correspondant à la catégorie fournie var selectElmt = document.getElementById("points"); identificateur_choisi = selectElmt.options[selectElmt.selectedIndex].value; categorie_choisie = selectElmt.options[selectElmt.selectedIndex].text; if (identificateur_choisi == 'remove'){ clearMarkers (); // pour enlever les sélections précédentes }; // popup explicatif du thème if (identificateur_choisi != 'remove') { explication = L.control({position: 'bottomright'}); explication.onAdd = function (map) { macarte.removeLayer(marker_GoTo); // Masquer l'ancien marqueur et l'ancien cercle if (cercle != undefined) { macarte.removeLayer(cercle); }; clearMarkers(); // Masquer tous les marqueurs en cours macarte.flyTo([localites["Etalle"].lat,localites["Etalle"].lon],12); // Revenir avec la carte centrée sur Etalle et dézoomer var div = L.DomUtil.create('div','customPopup'); div.innerHTML = '

' + categorie_choisie + '

' + popup_themes[identificateur_choisi] + '

' + ''; L.DomEvent.disableClickPropagation(div); // empêcher les actions de la souris sur la carte quand on est sur le div des explications (zoom avec la molette, ...) L.DomEvent.disableScrollPropagation(div); return div; }; explication.addTo(macarte); }; // placer les marqueurs correspondant au thème choisi var selection_layer = L.geoJSON(patrimoine, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + feature.properties.name + '
'+ feature.properties.description,customOptions); }, pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) { if (feature.properties.sym == identificateur_choisi) { var marqueur_selection = L.marker(latlng, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl : iconBase + feature.properties.sym + '.png', iconSize : [23,37], }) }); markersArray.push(marqueur_selection); // ajouter au tableau des marqueurs return marqueur_selection; } } }); selection_layer.addTo(macarte); return true; } function PrendreAdresse() { var saisie = ''; document.getElementById("endroit").style.display = 'none'; //masquer le formulaire de demande d'adresse if (document.getElementById("points")) { document.getElementById("points").style.display = 'none'; //masquer le formulaire de demande de catégorie s'il en restait un en cours } // Saisir le champ correspondant à l'adresse fournie if (document.getElementById("lieu")) { var saisie=document.getElementById("lieu").value; } if (saisie != '') { var rayon=document.getElementById("distance").value; adresse_GoTo=saisie; rayon_GoTo = parseInt(rayon); GoTo(saisie) .then(function(data) { document.choix.interet[1].checked=false; // ré-initialise le bouton adresse clearMarkers(); // efface les éventuelles sélections précédentes CacherControle (explication,macarte); // s'il restait une explication d'un thème qui n'a pas été validée marker_GoTo.addTo(macarte); // ajouter le cercle de rayon rayon_GoTo cercle = L.circle(coord_GoTo, rayon_GoTo, { color: 'red', fillOpacity: 0.0 }); cercle.addTo(macarte); macarte.flyToBounds(cercle.getBounds()); //recentrer la carte et zoomer sur le cercle // placer les marqueurs à l'intérieur du cercle // convertir les strings en nombres var coord_point_central = [+coord_GoTo[0],+coord_GoTo[1]]; var cercle_layer = L.geoJSON(patrimoine, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + feature.properties.name + '
'+ feature.properties.description,customOptions); }, pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) { var ecart=getDistance([latlng.lat,latlng.lng],coord_point_central); if (ecart <= rayon_GoTo) { var marqueur_cercle = L.marker(latlng, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl : iconBase + feature.properties.sym + '.png', iconSize : [23,37], }) }); markersArray.push(marqueur_cercle); // ajouter au tableau des marqueurs return marqueur_cercle; } } }); cercle_layer.addTo(macarte); return true; return true; // (return du .then, si la recherche a abouti }) .catch(function(error) { alert(error); }); return false; // si la recherche n'a pas encore abouti }; } L.Control.Adresse = L.Control.extend ({ onAdd: function (map) { var boite = L.DomUtil.create('div','leaflet-control-adresse'); boite.innerHTML = '






'; return boite; } }); L.control.adresse = function(options) { return new L.Control.Adresse(options); } L.Control.Recherche = L.Control.extend({ onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div','leaflet-control-recherche'); container.title = "Selection of points of interest"; container.innerHTML = '

Search of points of interest

\ By topic : \ By address : '; container.onmouseover= function () { container.style.backgroundColor = 'pink'; } container.onmouseout = function(){ container.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; } container.onclick = function() { var element = document.choix.interet; for (var i=0; i < element.length; i++) { if (element[i].checked) { var saisie = element[i].value; break; } } switch (saisie) { case '': break; case 'theme' : command.addTo(macarte); break; case 'adresse' : L.control.adresse({position : 'bottomright'}).addTo(macarte); break; } } return container; } }); L.control.recherche = function(options) { return new L.Control.Recherche(options); } // Fonction de requête sur un url fourni comme paramètre function faireRequete(url) { // Retourner la réponse comme une promesse return new Promise(function (resolve,reject) { // Créer la requete XHR var requete = new XMLHttpRequest(); // préparer la requête HTTP en mode asynchrone requete.open("GET",url,true); requete.onload = function() { // exécuter uniquement si la requête est achevée if (requete.status == 200) { // traiter la réponse si succès resolve(requete.responseText); } else { // si échec reject('Not found, error code = ' + requete.statusText); } }; requete.onerror = function() { reject(Error('Network error')); }; // envoyer la requête requete.send(); }); } // Fonction GoTo pour donner les coordonnées d'une adresse function GoTo(address) { // Retourner la réponse comme une promesse return new Promise(function (resolve,reject) { var nominatim="https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&q="; var urlRecherche=nominatim+address+' Etalle Luxembourg Wallonie Belgique'; var lat; var lon; macarte.removeLayer(marker_GoTo); // Masquer l'ancien marqueur et l'ancien cercle if (cercle != undefined) { macarte.removeLayer(cercle); }; faireRequete(urlRecherche) .then(function(data) { var locInfos = data; locInfos=JSON.parse(locInfos); if (locInfos === undefined || locInfos.length === 0) { reject('Incorrect address'); } else { endroits = []; for (var i=0;i -1; if (!IE) { window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function () { setTimeout('change_map()',400); }); }; // Fonction d'initialisation de la carte function initMap() { // Créer l'objet "macarte" et l'insérer dans l'élément HTML qui a l'ID "map" macarte = new L.map('map', { center : [localites["Etalle"].lat,localites["Etalle"].lon], zoom : 12, layers : [OpenStreetMap] // par défaut }); panneau = macarte.createPane('fixe', document.getElementById('map')); // Pour le popup latéral // Initialisation des hauteurs d'écran et de header à utiliser quand l'écran change d'orientation headerE = document.getElementById('masthead'); // initialisation de la hauteur du header à utiliser quand l'écran change d'orientation headHeight = Math.max(headerE.scrollHeight, headerE.offsetHeight, headerE.clientHeight); htmlE = document.documentElement; // initialisation de la hauteur totale heightE = htmlE.clientHeight; // Définitions des marqueurs des villages var marqueur = new Array(); var i=0; for (ville in localites) { var icone = L.icon({ iconUrl : picto + ville + '.png', iconSize : [60,60], }); marqueur[i] = L.marker([localites[ville].lat,localites[ville].lon],{icon:icone}).bindPopup(popup_txt[ville],customOptions); i++; } // Couche des villages var villages = L.layerGroup(marqueur); //Traçage du contour d'Etalle en récupérant les données GEOJSON. var etalle_layer = L.geoJSON(etalle, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup("Border " + feature.properties.name + "
",customOptions); } }); //Traçage des cours d'eau var eau_layer = L.geoJSON(cours_eau, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + feature.properties.name + '

' + feature.properties.description,customOptions); } }); //Traçage des réserves naturelles var reserve_layer = L.geoJSON(reserve, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + feature.properties.name + '
' + feature.properties.description,customOptions); } }); //Traçage des bâtiments var batiments_layer = L.geoJSON(batiments, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { var numero = ''; var rue = ''; var code_postal = ''; var ville = ''; var nom = ''; if (feature.properties.addr_housenumber) { numero=feature.properties.addr_housenumber; }; if (feature.properties.addr_street) { rue=feature.properties.addr_street; }; if (feature.properties.addr_postcode) { code_postal=feature.properties.addr_postcode; }; if (feature.properties.addr_city) { ville=feature.properties.addr_city; }; if (feature.properties.name) { nom=feature.properties.name; }; if (numero == '' && rue == '' && code_postal == '' && ville == '' && nom == '') {nom = 'Address not specified'}; layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + numero + ' ' + rue + '
' + code_postal + ' ' + ville + '
' + nom,customOptions); } }); //Traçage des points d'intérêt var patrimoine_layer = L.geoJSON(patrimoine, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + feature.properties.name + '
'+ feature.properties.description,customOptions); }, pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) { var marqueur_patrimoine = L.marker(latlng, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl : iconBase + feature.properties.sym + '.png', iconSize : [23,37], }) }); markersArray.push(marqueur_patrimoine); // ajouter au tableau des marqueurs return marqueur_patrimoine; } }); //Traçage de la toponymie var toponymie_layer = L.geoJSON(toponymie, { onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { var description=feature.properties.Description; if (description == null) {description = ''} layer.bindPopup(" " + '' + feature.properties.Nom + '
' + description,customOptions); }, attribution : ' + \"Noms de lieux du Grand Etalle\" by Albert Lamand ', pointToLayer: function(feature, latlng) { var marqueur_toponymie = L.marker(latlng, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl : iconBase + 'circle.png', iconSize : [20,20], }) }); markersArray.push(marqueur_toponymie); // ajouter au tableau des marqueurs return marqueur_toponymie; } }); //Création des contrôles. // Ajout d'un contrôle pour le plein écran macarte.addControl(new L.Control.Fullscreen({ title: { 'false': 'View in full screen mode', 'true': 'Exit full screen mode' } })); //Contrôles pour les fonds de cartes. var baseMaps = { "OpenStreetMap": OpenStreetMap, "Routes" : routes, "Satellite" : satellite, "Adventure" : aventure, "Relief" : relief, "Vandermaelen" : VDML, "Ferraris" : Ferraris, "\"Atlas des voiries\" of 1841" : Atlas, "Aerial picture": Ortho }; //Contrôles pour les layers contenant les données. var overlaysMaps = { "Villages" : villages, "Municipality boundaries" : etalle_layer, "Watercourses" : eau_layer, "Nature reserves" : reserve_layer, "All points of interest" : patrimoine_layer, "Buildings" : batiments_layer, "Place names" : toponymie_layer }; // Ajout de ces contrôles controller = L.control.layers(baseMaps,overlaysMaps); controller.addTo(macarte); // Contrôles pour l'échelle, pour la recherche et pour les catégories de points d'intérêt L.control.scale({imperial: true}).addTo(macarte); L.control.recherche({position : 'bottomright'}).addTo(macarte); fenetre.addTo(macarte); // contrôle pour le choix de position du popup }; window.onload = function(){ // Fonction d'initialisation qui s'exécute lorsque le DOM est chargé initMap(); };